Growing Pains: When Your Professional Services Firm Hits the Wall

You built this firm on expertise and relationships. But now you're hitting barriers you can't solve with either.

Sound familiar?

  • Your team has grown beyond "everyone just knows what to do"

  • Culture isn't as strong as when you could influence it daily

  • Senior people are drowning in management instead of client work

  • Good people are leaving for "bigger opportunities"

The Owner's Trap

You're caught between:

  • Being the rainmaker and running the business

  • Delivering to clients and developing your team

  • Growing revenue and protecting quality

  • Scaling up and maintaining control

And your profit margins? They're not matching your growth.

The Breaking Point

At 10-50 staff, everything breaks:

  • The systems that worked at startup fail

  • Your best people get stretched too thin

  • Client experience becomes inconsistent

  • Your time becomes the biggest bottleneck

What Actually Works

One of my clients (25-person consultancy) just transformed their operation:

  • Billable hours up 20%

  • Senior team back to client work

  • Clear growth paths for junior staff

  • Profit margins increased 25%

Not by working harder. By building infrastructure that scales.

Want to know how?

Let's talk about your Culture Reality Check. 


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