

Our Services

Tailored services delivering high performing, engaged teams

With over 20 year’s experience working with hundreds of business owners, we are a CEO’s most trusted and relevant advisor. With the purpose of creating great workplaces, we ave a tailored service that delivers high performing and engaged teams.

  • Vision, mission, values design & implementation
  • Organization structuring
  • HR performance evaluation & strategic planning
  • Human capital pulse checks
  • Executive performance profiles
  • Talent onboarding & integration
  • Behavioral profiling
  • Role definition & outcome profiles
  • Exit & staying interviews
  • Reward & compensation strategy
  • Employee experience ecosystem design
  • Performance management
  • Full recruitment service
  • Talent attraction strategy
  • Interview facilitation
  • Recruitment & interview coaching
  • Role definition
  • Reference checking
  • Recruitment by the hour

  • Founder & CEO coaching
  • Executive team coaching
  • Family & business partner coaching
  • Advisory board
  • Effectiveness training
Who we work for
  • have the right people engaged in our journey and we are all heading in the same direction.
  • be structured for achieving client results and growth.
  • have a team of high performing people who are clear on what to do and how to do it.
  • be diverse in its thinking and is leveraging our strengths.
  • that knows where it is going, I understand the vision and choose to be on that journey.
  • that makes sense structurally and allows me to achieve career goals that are unique to my skills and contribution.
  • where I know when I have done a good job.
  • that values and leverages differences in background, experience and thinking.

We understand what companies and employees actually want

We have worked with hundreds of business owners and employees over the past 20 years with the purpose of creating great workplaces.  We have asked them what experience they want from work and this is what we have heard over and over again:

Some Secret Sauce
We have identified (and become experts in) how to look at strategic HR differently. There are some common management consulting mistakes made that we often see and don't like. We have a unique way of doing things because we live and breathe our strategies internally. We eat our own dog food so to speak! These are just some areas that we disrupt:
One of the most poorly executed strategic activities in organizations today is the development of the company Vision, Mission and Values (VMV).  Over and over we see companies that have “very pretty words” on the wall that do absolutely nothing to enhance the business or the people within it.  The VMV of a business should be a TOOL that plays a critical role in the success of the business.  Unfortunately when poorly designed and implemented they never become this. When they are created with the correct purpose these form the DNA of the company and are the turning point for success.   
Can’t find the right people?  Is your team not reaching their potential? Are you getting frustrated because the business should be achieving better results?  The most common cause of this is due to poorly designed organizational structures, however, no one ever thinks this is the problem.  We have managed to substantially change the performance of individuals in a business by making one small tweak to an organizational structure..  This is where you can speed past your competitors at breakneck speed!
We are not interested in creating a list of obvious tasks that someone needs to do. There is no accountability in that. We are all about ensuring that each individual knows exactly what they need to do to achieve success in their role. The biggest problem with this is they don’t know because the Leader doesn’t know. What happens as a result is they assume they are doing ok because they haven’t heard otherwise. Meanwhile, the business is producing half the success it could be. Creating Outcome Profiles that are about outcomes will increase the performance of a team significantly!
We are obsessed with the power of leverage!  In every business there are skills and strengths that are being under-utilized or completely wasted because we don’t know we have them!  When you identify the individual assets you have within yourself and the people around you, as well as understand how to make people work together effectively, you can deliberately design high performance!   This means everyone can be high performing every day! Can you imagine the difference that will make to your business!
How to engage us


Bring us into your business for a customized and personalized experience where we not only create the HR Strategy, we also design and implement it for you


Engage us to correctly design a role and then manage the entire recruitment process to onboard high quality talent.


Need ad hoc advice? Like us to run your executive meetings or Advisory Board? Is one to one coaching required? We can support your leaders with one on one expertise


Do you have a HR Manager who is the sole HR Pro in the business? We are here to help. Check out The HR Linc